Japanese NO1 3D Gel
◆Sunshine Babe CreamGel ◆
Suitable especially for home salon as no chemical smell♫
Beginners and professionals are welcome!!Easy to control gel and you can master how to create 3D art.
Beginners and professionals are welcome!!Easy to control gel and you can master how to create 3D art.
★Japanese popular Gel Brand Sunshine Bebe’ s 3D gel “Cream Gel” Class
★Looks like acrylic art but NO ODOR / chemical smell
—-*suitable for salon and home salon !!
★Cure under UV and LED *unlimited time to design before put under lamp
★Easy to control…
★Certificate will be issued by Sunshine Babe in Japan
◆Course fee $268 incl Cream Gel Kit worth $130
Ceritificate fee $29
Cream gel kit : cream gel < white and pink>, cream gel brush, cream gel cleanser, cream gel pot, paper palette, wipe, nail tips
<Sunshine babe member can get $15 discount from course fee>
* Booking will be confirmed after payment
Class room locates in Orchard Area Singapore
for registration / enquiry,
SMS 81155327
e-mail info@peony-nails.com